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Find Full-Text

EndNote can locate full-text files online by using data stored in your references. Once found, EndNote downloads and attaches the files to the references.

  1. Multiple references can be selected and the Find Full Text function activated by selecting References followed by Find Full Text from the file menu.
  2. A temporary group set called Find Full Text is visible in the left-hand menu. It displays both the search progress and the final results of the search for full text articles.

Note: You may discover that the Find Full Text feature doesn’t often work to your full satisfaction. The challenge for the EndNote developers is that while OpenURL is supposed to be an open standard, each commercial vendor implements their support for this slightly differently in their link resolver products. Also, EndNote is taught to read through HTML and scripts on web pages hosted by various publishers and databases. These pages change frequently, and so EndNote often needs to be re-taught how to find PDFs on newly designed pages.

Now you can search for full text of a reference in your library on the internet.
Select a reference in the short title list and click on or by using right click, then choose Find Full Text, or via References - Find Full Text.