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Frequently Asked Questions

How many libraries can I share?

You can share one library from your Mac or Windows EndNote desktop. The library that you share will also be the library that you can access online at EndNote Online or on your iPad using the EndNote for iPad app. There is no limit to the number of libraries that can be shared with you by others.

Can I access a shared library from anywhere?

If you are the one who shared the library, you have access to this library on your desktop, through EndNote Online, or on your iPad. If you have been invited to access someone else’s library, you can only access this library from your desktop.

What if I no longer want to share my library?

You can easily control access to your library from your desktop version of EndNote. Add or remove individual access by going to File, then Share.

Emailing or storing an EndNote library in the Cloud

When EndNote libraries are stored, shared, and used in Cloud-based repositories (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) there is a serious danger of file corruption. Cloud storage is strongly discouraged for library files, and it is recommended that only the File > Share function in EndNote should be used for shared libraries.

In various online forums users have claimed that storing compressed libraries in the cloud and marking these 'Read-Only' (from their file properties) has not caused corruption of these files. However, expanded libraries must be downloaded before being opened and/or worked on. If you do work on a library in this way, afterward, upload a new compressed version of the library.

To compress an EndNote library file select Compressed Library (.enlx) from the File menu. This compressed file can be emailed or deposited (mark 'Read only' in Properties). When a recipient opens it (and has EndNote installed on their computer) an ENL file and DATA folder will be extracted and all attachments will be available.

Note: The DATA folder (and as a consequence, the compressed ENLX file) may be very large if attachments have been added to references.

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