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Read and Publish Agreements for Open Access Publishing

The Library has a number of “Read and Publish” deals that allow Koc University corresponding authors to publish open access in selected journals without payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC).

Cambridge University Press (CUP) Agreement

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Agreement What you need to do

“Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP),

which started in 2021, will continue in 2024. Within the scope of the agreement, Koç University members will not pay any

Article Processing Fee (APC) for the articles to be published in Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals. There is no limit to the number of articles to be published.

  • The corresponding author should be a Koç University author.
  • Be accepted for publication in a CUP journal covered by the agreement.
  • Articles must have an acceptance date that falls within the period of the current agreement. (01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025)
  • Once your paper is accepted under this agreement, a Creative Commons license should be selected.
    (Available options are CC BY 4.0CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 and CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
  • More information and instructions can be found on the CUP website.
Excluded titles: The CUP agreement covers only Cambridge Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals listed on eligible titles.
Eligible article types: Original research: research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports, and case reports
Licenses options: Available Creative Commons options are CC BY 4.0CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 and CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Agreement Ends: December 31st, 2025.


Eligible Journal List of Cambridge University Press

How to Publish Open Access Under a Read + Publish Agreement

How to Publish Open Access in Cambridge University Press Journals  Under a Read + Publish Agreement


The Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS) has made an agreement with Cambridge University Press to support Open Access publishing.

If you are affiliated with the Koç University, you can publish your article Open Access (OA) - at no cost to you - in gold and hybrid journals. In addition, you can enjoy access to Cambridge University Press journals content.

Easily check your eligibility to publish OA under this agreement, and the journals available to you, by using our OA Waiver & Discount checker tool.

About the agreement

The agreement is a national “Read & Publish” agreement. The APCs are already prepaid, since the agreement includes both the costs of the library’s subscriptions as well as the costs of OA publishing.

Within the scope of this agreement, the faculty members of Koç University will have the opportunity to publish OA articles in Golden Open Access and Hybrid journals of CUP throughout 2021 without any transaction fees.

The details of the agreement and its benefits to the faculty can be summarized as follows.

How does it work?

  • This agreement will be applied to the articles that have been accepted within the period of the agreement.
  • The author will be able to submit his/her article by providing the details of his/her Koç University affiliation to the publisher.
  • Articles can be published under the Creative Commons License. For detailed information on Creative Commons License, please visit this website.  .
  • Articles published non-OA in Cambridge OA Journals within the agreement period will be eligible for retroactive conversion to OA if requested by the author before the agreement expires.

To be eligible, articles must:

Why is this significant?

  • All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed.
  • Content is freely available online immediately upon publication, giving the potential for increased exposure and dissemination
  • Gold open access allows all readers with internet access around the world to access published research without having to pay.
  • By increasing the visibility of their research, the authors will be able to have higher citation counts, broader reach and global impact.
  • Articles can be published in journals included in citation indexes such as SSCI, SCI, Scopus.
  • Many funders are now mandating for research to be published via open access.
  • The agreement provides an opportunity to publish articles in a total of 372 Cambridge University Press journals and 274 journals in the TÜBİTAK UBYT (Uluslararası Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik) incentive program.
  • Since the content of the journals is multidisciplinary, all faculties and departments will be able to benefit from this service.

For more information about the Read and Publish Agreement please click here.

In order to review the journals in your subject area and make a submission, you may visit the Cambridge Journals’ website .

Why should I publish open access?

One of the missions of Koç University is to create and apply new knowledge for the benefit of the society. Open access publishing makes available for free research generated by KU scholars.  Thus, it fulfills the University’s mission, by allowing knowledge to transmit to a wider audience and facilitates new discoveries that build on KU scholars’ research.

You can read more about the value of open access on our Open Access & Scholarly Communication web page.

If you have any questions, please contact or visit our Publishing Open Access information page.