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Read and Publish Agreements for Open Access Publishing

The Library has a number of “Read and Publish” deals that allow Koc University corresponding authors to publish open access in selected journals without payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC).

APC Discount Agreements at SKL

The Suna Kıraç Library has discount agreements with two publishers, which means that KU authors can achieve Open Access for their publications by paying discounted APC for SAGE and BMC (BioMed Central) journals. 

Koc University authors whose articles are accepted for publication in SAGE & BMC Journals in 2024 may be eligible for a discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing their work Open Access (OA). The discount applies to articles published by Koc University's corresponding authors in the majority of SAGE & BMC "hybrid" journals (journals publishing both subscription and OA content). 

Corresponding authors should specify the Koc University institution with which they are affiliated when submitting their article. When the article is accepted for publication, the author must choose a Koc University institutional affiliation in order to apply the APC discount. There is the option to publish either under the subscription (paywalled) model, at no charge, or Open Access, with the payment of an APC. Authors choosing the Open Access option can publish under a CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license, with the authors retaining the copyright; they will be shown the discounted APC price and be invoiced for this amount once their affiliation has been validated.