Agreement | What you need to do |
Within the scope of the agreement signed with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) as of 2022, Koç University authors will not pay any Article Processing Charge (APC) for open-access articles to be published in ACM's Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals and conference proceedings. There will be no limit to the number of articles to be published. |
Eligible Journals: All hybrid and gold OA journals, and conference proceedings except the hosted content. Please access the full list of ACM publications eligible for OA publishing under ACM Open from here.
Excluded titles: The hosted content is excluded. | |
Eligible article types: All fully peer-reviewed research articles newly published in ACM’s Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals, and conference proceedings are eligible. | |
Licenses options: The default Creative Commons license is CC-BY. | Agreement Ends: December 31st, 2025. |
This document will explain the experience when an author from Koç University chooses to publish in an ACM conference or journal. It is extremely important that our authors are listed as the corresponding author and use their institutional email address when submitting their work, so they are provided with the correct ACM Open eRights forms.
An email similar to the one below is sent to the corresponding author of a manuscript in each of these instances:
• Submission to an ACM journal
• Acceptance to an ACM journal
• Acceptance to an ACM conference (will be used for demo purposes below)
When the corresponding author, (the author who received the email with the link to the eRights form), clicks on the link to the eRights form they are brought to an edit screen. If the paper is part of the ACM Open Program, the ACM Open Edit Screen will have a line at the top saying “This paper is part of the ACM Open Program”. (The eRights system recognizes the corresponding author is from a participating institution based on the email domain provided to us by the institution’s administrator). If the corresponding author changes their email address, from their institutional domain to a non-institutional domain*, their paper will no longer be part of the ACM Open Program.
The corresponding author should confirm all information on the edit screen to make sure the title and all the author information is correct. Once the corresponding author has reviewed the information and determines it is correct, they should click on the check box and then click on Proceed to eRights Form button:
*Authors may change their email address because they are no longer at the institution and do not have access to that email inbox anymore.
Clicking on the Proceed to eRigths Form button will bring the corresponding author to the ACM eRights Form (samples below). The ACM Open eRights Form defaults to the Institutionally Paid Open Access rights and a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License. The corresponding author is allowed to change the options (but the default options are what your institution has requested).
For the corresponding author to choose a Creative Commons License they cannot change the rights option from Institutionally Paid Open Access to either of the other choices.
Koç University Suna Kıraç Library
Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450, Sarıyer-İstanbul
T:+90-212 338 13 17 F:+90-212 338 13 21