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Read and Publish Agreements for Open Access Publishing

The Library has a number of “Read and Publish” deals that allow Koc University corresponding authors to publish open access in selected journals without payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC).

APC Discount on BMC (BioMed Central) Journals

As part of the piloting, a 75% discount will be applied to the APC fee for KU authors who publish in BMC journals.

The transformative agreement signed between Springer Nature and ULAKBİM does not cover BMC group journals. However, a 75% discount will be applied to our university APC in BMC journals as part of the piloting. This means that authors who publish in 62 BMC journals will only be required to pay 25% of the total APC fee.

For more detailed information, please visit

Click here for the list of journals included in the BMC group pilot application.

BMC Journals Eligible for APC Discount