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Academic Writing Tips & Resources

This subject guide is designed to help Koç University students on various types of academic writing issues that may be encountered as they work through their courses, including writing research papers, essays, literature reviews and more.

Library Collection

Printed books more than 282.000

E-books more than 402.000

124 databases

E-journals more than 87.000

DVD’s more than 8.500

Library Books

inKUire Search


InKUire provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content.

You can check Using inKUire Search libguide for detailed information and strategies.



inKUire Search Results Page

You can start by writing your keywords related to the subject you are researching in the search field.

You can view the journal articles, e-books, printed books, conference proceedings and more in our collection. Use the filters on the left side of the page.

You may also see the related libguides and subject librarian information.                                                       

Library Online Catalog



E-journals: Koç University libraries subscribe to over 85.000 e-journals from a wide range of disciplines. Search our e-journals h by Title or ISSN.


A to Z is a faster, easier way to search our Databases collection, as it is more user friendly, it includes several search options - by alphabetical index, by subject or by title – and it categorizes material as New, Trial, Popular

For your questions, requests and feedbacks regarding the electronic collection or the new interface you can contact us by sending an email to