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Church and State in the Byzantine Empire: A Reconsideration of the Problem of Caesaropapism Since 1932, the quarterly journal, Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, has been the chief outlet for the American Society of Church History. Articles, forums, and book reviews in Church History address a range of topics dealing with the history of Christianity from its precursors to the modern period, as well as interactions of Christianity with its host cultures and with other religions.
Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents
Among the sources for the history of Byzantine monasticism, none are more important than the typika, or foundation documents. Collected and translated in these volumes, the typkia may be used, for the first time, as a comprehensive study of religious life and institutions in the Greek East and as a comparison between Greek and Latin monasticism.
The Religious Relationship between Byzantium and the West | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
During the Late Byzantine period, church authorities made efforts to unify the Latin and Greek churches. After the Fourth Crusade of 1204, the break between the two churches was considered definitive. For two centuries, various attempts were made to reconcile the breach, but the Latin domination of Byzantium and certain theological issues rendered these aspirations ineffective.
Byzantium, Orthodoxy, and Democracy This article addresses the question of the compatibility between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and modern understandings of democracy. Recent images in the press suggest at worst hostility toward democracy and at best ambivalence on the part of the Orthodox churches. The source of this hostility and ambivalence lies in part with Orthodoxy's Byzantine heritage.
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