Summary of the Speech:
Bibliometric analysis has gained a huge popularity in research in recent years. Researchers can use bibliometric analysis for a variety of reasons, such as to uncover emerging trends in article and journal performance, collaboration patterns, and research constituents, and to explore the intellectual structure of a specific domain in the extant literature. In this webinar, they will get detailed knowlegde on how to conduct a bibliometric analysis to measure their research performances by using the Library's Web of Science , Scopus and SciVal databases.
A Short Biography of the Speaker:
Çiğdem Yıldırım started to work as Head of ANAMED Library as of March 2022. She graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Information Management and completed her master's degree on Istanbul Studies at the same university. She worked at Koç University Suna Kıraç Library for long years, first as Cataloging Librarian and then as a Senior Reference and Research Liaison. Her experience areas consist of Cataloging, Collection Development, Research Support, Academic Writing and Information Literacy, E-Resources, Document Supply Services, Reference Management Tools, Bibliometric Analysis and Reporting, Social Media, Research Data Management and numerious events & trainings she organized around these topics. She also continues to work on open science policy, procedure and service development in the Library’s Open Access Team. She takes part in Research Data Management and Data Analytics working groups within the scope of Koç University Digitalization Program. She carries out projects on behalf of Koç University under the "Turkey Open Data and Research Data Task Force" within the body of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK)
Institution: Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) Library
Summary of the Speech:
Common researcher names, name changes, cultural differences in name order, and inconsistent use of middle initials, can make it difficult to accurately calculate measures of personal impact. Numeric codes can help identify individual researchers.
A scholarly identifier is a tool to help organize and link your full body of academic work. Researchers can easily establish a digital identifier in ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID), Google Scholar, or Scopus Author ID or Researcher ID (Thomson Reuters) to begin attributing their work to these accounts. This process creates a digital body of work to pool your citations, publications and research interests.
By registering for a unique identifier, you can potentially connect a diverse array of your scholarly output, including journal articles, datasets, patents, and online comments.
A Short Biography of the Speaker:
İrem Ünal graduated from Marmara University, Department of Information and Records Management in 2013. In the same year, she started to work as a Librarian at Portakal Culture and Art House. She worked as a librarian in institutions such as Bahçeşehir College and İKSV. Since 2016, she has been working at Koç University Suna Kıraç Library as the Research Center for Anatolian (ANAMED) Branch Librarian. She continues her postgraduate education in Marmara University, Department of Information and Records Management, which she started in 2020.
Institution: Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) Library
Koç University Suna Kıraç Library
Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450, Sarıyer-İstanbul
T:+90-212 338 13 17 F:+90-212 338 13 21