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SKL Kitap Kulübü / SKL Book Club

Kitap kulübü, okuma listesi ve etkinlik tarihleri hakkında bilgiler içeren rehber. / This libguide includes information about the Book Club, reading list and event details.

Okunmuş Kitaplar / The books that have been read

7th of January 2021- The Bell Jar /Sylvia Plath

21st of January 2021- Room of One's Own /Virginia Woolf

25th of February 2021- The Time Regulation Institute /Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar

25 Mart 2021- Kitapları Kurtaran Kedi /Sosuke Natsukawa

22nd of April 2021- Love in the Time of Cholera /Gabriel García Márquez

20 Mayıs 2021- Puslu Kıtalar Atlası /İhsan Oktay Anar

17th of June 2021- To Kill a Mockingbird /Harper Lee

22nd of July 2021- The Kite Runner /Khaled Hosseini

23rd of September- The Flock: Try Them As Gold /Ahmet Ümit

21st of October 2021-Fahrenheit 451 /Ray Bradbury

18 Kasım 2021- İçimizdeki Şeytan /Sabahattin Ali

16th of December- My Name is Red /Orhan Pamuk

2021 Sanal Kitap Kulübü Kitap Listesi / Books List for the 2021 SKL Virtual Book Club


7th of January 2021- The Bell Jar /Sylvia Plath

7 Ocak 2021- Sırça Fanus /Sylvia Plath


21st of January 2021- Room of One's Own /Virginia Woolf

21 Ocak 2021- Kendine Ait Bir Oda /Virginia Woolf


25th of February 2021-  The Time Regulation Institute /Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar

25 Şubat 2021- Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü /Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar


25 Mart 2021- Kitapları Kurtaran Kedi /Sosuke Natsukawa (Dil: Türkçe/Language: Turkish)


22nd of April 2021- Love in the Time of Cholera /Gabriel García Márquez

22 Nisan 2021- Kolera Günlerinde Aşk /Gabriel García Márquez


20 Mayıs 2021- Puslu Kıtalar Atlası /İhsan Oktay Anar (Dil: Türkçe/Language: Turkish)


17th of June 2021- To Kill a Mockingbird /Harper Lee

17 Haziran 2021- Bülbülü Öldürmek /Harper Lee


22nd of July 2021- The Kite Runner /Khaled Hosseini

22 Temmuz 2021- Uçurtma Avcısı /Khaled Hosseini


23rd of September 2021- Flock : Try Them As Gold /Ahmet Ümit

23 Eylül 2021- Kavim /Ahmet Ümit


21st of October 2021- Fahrenheit 451 / Ray Bradbury

21 Ekim 2021- Fahrenheit 451 /Ray Bradbury


18 Kasım 2021- İçimizdeki Şeytan /Sabahattin Ali (Dil: Türkçe/Language: Turkish)


16th of December 2021- My Name Is Red /Orhan Pamuk

16 Aralık 2021- Benim Adım Kırmızı /Orhan Pamuk


SKL Virtual Book Club Talks will be organized on Zoom.