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Chicago Manual of Style


Mendeley is a free reference manager and an academic social network. Mendeley enables you to access your library, everywhere, easy referencing, building your research network, advance your career, and finding funding opportunities.



EndNote Desktop is a software program that: Creates, stores and manages your references/citations. Saves your selected references/citations from online resources (e.g. LibrarySearch, library databases and Google Scholar) to export them into your EndNote Desktop library


Zotero is a bibliographic management tool and it is freely available to download, install and use.

Zotero is a Firefox and Google Crome browser extension for Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems that allows users to efficentyl collection infromation from library catalogs and databases and produce citations and bibliographies with ease.


  • transfers the information from academic databases to the program with just one click

  • presents the work lists in a certain order

  • creates in-text submission and bibliography at will