If you wish to find free e-books on the internet, you should check the following links.
The books with these subjects located on the first floor at the Library.
T 353, TA 174 | Engineering design |
TA 357 | Fluid mechanics |
TA 409 | Fracture Mechanics |
TJ 170, TL 243 | Dynamics |
TJ 163.12 | Mechatronics |
TJ 184 | Gearing |
TJ 230 | Machine design |
TJ 265, TJ 756 | Thermodynamics |
TJ 782, TJ 785 | Internal combustion engines |
Koç University Suna Kıraç Library
Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450, Sarıyer-İstanbul
T:+90-212 338 13 17 F:+90-212 338 13 21