Director’s MessageGender Mainstreaming in Research and On Campus
Since 2010, gender and women’s studies have been a research field under the umbrella of KOÇ-KAM, contributing both theoretically and policy-based studies. KOÇ-KAM covers a wide network of researchers ranging from humanities and social sciences to health sciences, embracing all qualitative, quantitative, discipline-specific and interdisciplinary studies of gender equality. In terms of policy-based research, KOÇ-KAM is a leading institution in communication and cooperation with international organizations such as UN Women and UNESCO, non-governmental organizations, other universities and decision-making bodies. In addition to individual research publications of KOÇ-KAM fellow researchers, we also make contribution to the knowledge of gender and women’s studies through our institutional publications. Individual research outcomes of Koç University fellow researchers in the field of gender equality are published in internationally recognized venues and in the technical reports of international organizations shaping women’s policies. Within the scope of our PhD research programmes, women’s studies are supported under the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development.
Koç University Suna Kıraç Library
Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450, Sarıyer-İstanbul
T:+90-212 338 13 17 F:+90-212 338 13 21