IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development (ACD), Academic and Research Libraries (ARL), Science and Technology Libraries (SciTech) sections and Library Publishing (LIBPUB) SIG are planning an IFLA Mid-term meeting in Istanbul. The Meeting will be hosted by Koç University, Suna Kıraç Library and it will take place from Wednesday, 5th to 7th of June 2024 at the Koç University ANAMED Auditorium, Istanbul, Türkiye.
A strong and united global library field powering literate, informed and participatory societies
Our Vision defines the world that we are working to create in future. It provides a reference point across our activities, both for IFLA and for the library field as a whole, providing direction and inspiration for all that we do.
To inspire, engage, enable and connect the global library field
Our Mission sets out how IFLA works to achieve our Vision. Its words reflect everything that IFLA does in order to support its members and beyond, through providing tools and materials, a forum for discussion and learning, and advocating on your behalf, while also working to ensure the long-term sustainability of our Federation.
Our Vision, Mission, and wider Strategy are the fruit of IFLA’s Global Vision, which engaged tens of thousands of voices from more than 190 countries and all continents about the strengths and weaknesses of the library field.
In pursuing our Vision and Mission, IFLA seeks to demonstrate the following core values:
İstiklal Caddesi No: 181 Merkez Han 34433 Beyoğlu İstanbul, Türkiye
T:+90-212 393 60 61, +90-212 393 60 62